
My Emblem

After much deliberation, I chose a camera lens as my emblem. I encounter different forms of lenses in my daily life. As a student, I wear contact lenses or glasses, and they help me absorb the knowledge I need for my classes. As an artist, the different lenses of my camera allow me to capture images at varying distances, with different perspectives. As an optometry technician and a future practitioner, I use lenses to help assess and diagnose a patient. Lenses are so essential to my success, and I like to remind myself that each lens gives a different perspective, and each different perspective tells a different story. For example, the image below is interesting because it shows such a dynamic perspective. The artist is holding a condensing lens at arms length. By distancing it from the viewfinder of the camera attached to another lens, she is showing the property (of the lens she is holding) that renders the resulting image as upside down.


My Motto

When observing other blogs, I really liked the students who had a motto that didn’t necessarily relate to their Emblem. I thought about “Life is full of perspective,” but I thought that might be too repetitive. So I settled on something I’m a bit more comfortable with. An annoying facet of many “About Me” forms on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and dare I say (Myspace), is a section titled “Favorite Quotations.” Since middle school, I’ve been using the same quotation for all of those social media sites, and I’ve grown rather fond of it: “Laughter and tears are both responses to frustration and exhaustion. I myself prefer to laugh, since there is less cleaning up to do afterward.” Although it’s lengthy, I’ve had it rattling around in my brain for so long that I can repeat it from memory. I love the bluntness of the author, and it comes through in this quotation. So whenever I’m faced with a rather difficult decision, memory, or am just hyperventilating over my student loans, I remember this quote and it keeps me sane. I also try to project this type of mentality in my daily life. I really like making jokes and adding humor to situations that would otherwise be stressful or negative.


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