Exactitude: E-Lit Example

The landscape of Deviant: The Possession of Christian Shaw is presented in a visual and almost entirely non-textual way, although the piece has a textual basis and its narrative and defamiliarizing aspects can easily be seen. The piece’s effect arises from how it cuts off possibilities, putting the reader at the mercy of her exploration history. An interface offers tiny “active” portals, which may or may not carry the story forward; a world changes scale, and unnerving events take some effort to figure out.

When I first saw this E-Lit example I was officially creeped out. It reminded me a lot of the animation from Salad Fingers, that creepy YouTube video from 2007. I think that this is a good example of Exactitude because there is a wide scope within the animation. You can see the “city” from a distance or you can click on elements within the screen and bring yourself into the “active portals.” Also, it takes a lot of precision in order to discover and click on the active portals. If you see in the video below, it took me a lot of time to discover which elements to click on. At the end the animation glitched out and I was unable to click on anything else.