Visible – Cornell

My blox for Cornell’s quality of Visibility has a lot of collage elements in it. Because this quality resides in Act II I thought it fitting to include a lot of small circles which could be interpreted as subplots. All of the circles contain what I would represent as the life cycle of a Tina Fey. She began as a reckless bossypants, got her footing as an outspoken improviser, then matured into a successful director, writer, and actress. I threw in that picture of an old woman just to complete the life cycle. Also, there’s a picture in Bossypants which compares Tina to an old woman and I think that, at times, Fey really does have some of the characteristics of an old woman.

In the background, I included a screenshot from a famous sketch of Fey’s called Mom Jeans. Although I wasn’t able to find a full clip of it online, I included it in my blox because it speaks volumes about how comedy is progressing into something that is more of the “gender blind meritocracy” that Fey dreams about. Also, I included an illustration of Darwin’s Evolution of Man. I think that this is significant because it ironically shows that not only has Tina evolved, but women (and men!) who want to me successful can attempt to learn from her and create their own evolution story.